10 attractive activities that hotels can use to attract guests

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10 attractive activities that hotels can use to attract guests

Have you ever thought about how some hotels are super popular among guests? It’s not always about comfortable or luxurious stays; it’s about making an experience that holds a lasting impression, even after they leave.

Want your hotel to be one of them? With some creative thinking, you can offer unique activities that perfectly meets the traveller’s need.

So, let’s explore some enticing activities you can utilize to turn your guests’ stay from just good to extraordinary.

Table of Content

  1. Creating Experiences that Will Resonate with Your Guests
  2. 10 Enticing Activities to Attract Guests at Your Hotel

Creating Experiences that Will Resonate with Your Guests

Before we delve into specific activities, it’s important to understand your target audience – their preferences and interests. By identifying them, you can tailor experiences that align with the desires of your guests.

For example, in a family-oriented hotel, designing experiences might involve kid-friendly amenities and spacious accommodations. On the other hand, business-oriented hotels can offer high-tech amenities, meeting spaces, and seamless internet connectivity.

What I mean is that the key is to connect emotionally with guests. This involves understanding their needs and preferences, creating a seamless experience from check-in to check-out, and leaving a lasting impression.

10 Enticing Activities to Attract Guests at Your Hotel

Let’s explore some activities that will transform your hotel into an experience worth remembering:

Cooking Classes: A Taste of Local Flavors

Travellers today seek more than just a place to sleep and eat. They want to explore the local culture and be a part of the community. Adding cooking classes to your hotel’s offerings is a fantastic way to fulfil this desire. Guests get to savour the local flavours, learn the art of crafting regional dishes, and take home a piece of the destination. As a hotelier, you can team up with a local chef and offer hands-on cooking classes allowing your guests to savor the authentic taste of the region. 

From crafting sushi in Japan to perfecting pasta in Italy, these experiences leave a lasting impression, connecting guests with the destination. 

But, make sure to spread it out on your social media, display it on your website, and highlight it on travel platforms as well. Let your guests know they can enjoy a comfy stay while diving into the wonderful world of local culinary delights. 

Guided Local Tours

Beyond the comfort of your hotel, there’s an excitement of discovering new things. Guided local tours help your guests uncover the hidden stories of your destination, going beyond what they’ll usually find. 

Highlight the convenience your hotel offers by organizing tours, making it easy for guests to explore the local area. Incorporate these tours into your promotional materials and website, showcasing them as an added value for choosing your hotel. This enhances guest satisfaction and attracts those seeking a richer, more immersive travel experience. 

Fitness Classes & Wellness Workshops 

Imagine having yoga, meditation, and Zumba classes right on your hotel’s lawn. I know, sounds unusual but then it can transform your hotel into more than just a place to stay; it becomes a rejuvenating getaway for guests. 

Health-focused options aren’t just about attracting guests; they’re about meeting a real need for all-around experiences. You know, modern travellers nowadays are so health-conscious that they look for healthy living options even during their vacations. 

At the same time, it’s very important to showcase these health-centric offerings and entice travellers who are looking for a relaxing stay. Advertise workshops that focus on staying healthy during travel and present your hotel’s commitment to holistic well-being. 

Meetings & Events

In the era of workation and bleisure, the significance of hotels goes beyond just leisure stays. Providing spaces for meetings and events has become a game-changer. 

As a hotelier, you can also use your hotel as a dynamic hub for business conferences, art exhibitions, and more. By offering versatile meeting spaces with the latest technology, your hotel can become the go-to destination for professionals seeking a blend of work and leisure. 

Additionally, meetings & events can be the key to unlocking a new dimension of guest engagement and revenue generation for hoteliers.CBRE Hotels 2023 Hotel Industry Outlook states ‘Hotels with meeting spaces generate 20% more revenue per room than hotels without it.

For instance, set up a stylish conference room with state-of-the-art facilities or host art exhibitions in your lobby, turning your hotel into a cultural hotspot. This not only attracts business travellers but also positions your hotel as a multifaceted space for creativity and collaboration. 

Outdoor Adventure Packages

Think about those guests who seek thrilling adventures along with their stay. As a hotelier, you’ve got a fantastic trick up your sleeve—outdoor adventure packages. It’s like turning their stay into a real-life adventure story! 

Collaborating with local adventure guides, you can offer thrilling activities like mountain hikes, kayaking through scenic rivers, or even hot air balloon rides over picturesque landscapes. 

To attract more guests, you can also highlight your adventure packages and showcase the excitement that awaits guests right outside your hotel doors.

Eco-Friendly Initiatives

Embrace eco-friendly initiatives not just as a trend but as a core value of your hotel. It shows your care for the planet, and guests love that these days. You can source locally, implement energy-saving practices, and reduce waste, and most importantly, it will be much more cost-effective. 

For example, let’s take a look at the 1 Hotel South Beach in Miami, Florida. They didn’t just mark on an ‘eco-friendly’ label; they built their whole hotel with the planet in mind. Including solar panels, a cool living green wall, and even a system to catch rainwater. They went all out, using recycled stuff to build and decorate. 

Themed Dinners or Movie Nights

Themed dinners and movie nights can elevate a hotel’s appeal by offering unique, immersive experiences. For instance, a “Mystery Dinner” where guests solve a fictional crime while dining creates engagement.

Alternatively, a “Classic Movie Night” featuring timeless films complements the nostalgia of a cosy hotel setting. By catering to diverse interests, hotels can differentiate themselves, fostering loyalty and positive reviews. These low-cost, high-impact initiatives transform a night’s stay into an unforgettable adventure, enticing guests to return and share their delightful experiences. 

This presents an opportunity to differentiate your hotel, attract guests seeking unique experiences, and create a buzz about your offerings. 

Celebrate Special Occasions

Imagine a couple checking into your hotel to celebrate their anniversary. You surprise them with a bouquet and add a free bottle of wine with a sweet handwritten note. 

These considerate gestures not only ensure the couple’s happiness but also plant the seeds for their return with positive recommendations.

Similarly, customizing special occasion packages catering to birthdays or anniversaries, complete with indulgent offerings like cake and champagne, and collaborating with local florists for additional touches, helps your hotel transform into a perfect destination of celebration for guests. 

Exclusive Discounts and Packages

Who can resist a fantastic deal? Hotels that go the extra mile with exclusive discounts and value-packed packages tend to attract more bookings. Consider a hotel that offers a “Weekend Escape” package, featuring discounted room rates, a complimentary breakfast, and a local activity voucher. It’s not just about appealing to the budget-conscious traveller; it’s about creating a profound sense of added value for each guest.

Similarly, you can tailor packages to cater to various needs, be it romantic getaways, family vacations, or business trips—opening the doors to a diverse range of guests for your hotel. 

Exclusive deals make potential guests feel like they are reserving a room and also guarantee a one-of-a-kind experience at an unbeatable price. Plus, by offering these irresistible deals, you become their preferred choice for future stays as well, creating a lasting connection with your guests.

 Community Engagement Initiatives

Building a strong connection with the local community is like creating a big family where everyone supports each other. Community engagement initiatives can be a unique activity for hotels aiming to attract more guests. 

For a boutique hotel, it might mean hosting local art exhibitions or collaborating with nearby businesses. A resort could organize beach clean-ups or partner with local charity events. These initiatives create a unique selling point for your hotel and showcase your hotel as an integral part of the community. Guests today crave meaningful experiences, and by actively participating in the community, your hotel becomes a destination with a purpose. 


In the vast world of hotels, it’s not enough to just be there; you need to stand out. Beyond providing comfortable accommodations and essential services, hotels that offer unique and engaging experiences are more likely to stand out from the crowd and capture the attention of potential visitors.

The activities we talked about aren’t just extras;  they’re the heart of what makes your hotel unique. Don’t see them as fancy things; make them one of your hotel’s USPs. It’s not just about being different in the market; it’s about making a connection with your guests.

At the end of the day, it’s about having guests and leaving a lasting memory in their minds. So, give these ideas a go, and let your hotel shine. Elevate your hotel’s appeal, attract more guests, and create a reputation that extends beyond just a place to stay. After all, it’s these unique experiences that turn your hotel into the one they’ll always remember.

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